06-27-2016, 07:32 AM
Vecina zv. kartica vec ima uradjena merenja, za to su najvise zainteresovani na sajtovima poput Head-Fi - zv. kartice i slusalice.
Evo vrlo opsirnog (i slikovitog) testa Asuss Xonar D1.
I ono sto je Braca odmah primetio stoji u zakljucku testa:
"What the results show, is that the card is apparently capable of the specified dynamic range (116 dB) and THD+N (-105 dB) at a sample rate that is
a multiple of 48 kHz, but the noise performance degrades significantly at 44.1/88.2/176.4 kHz. This problem is common to Xonar family sound cards"
Evo vrlo opsirnog (i slikovitog) testa Asuss Xonar D1.
I ono sto je Braca odmah primetio stoji u zakljucku testa:
"What the results show, is that the card is apparently capable of the specified dynamic range (116 dB) and THD+N (-105 dB) at a sample rate that is
a multiple of 48 kHz, but the noise performance degrades significantly at 44.1/88.2/176.4 kHz. This problem is common to Xonar family sound cards"