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Zamena akumulatora - problem sa memorijom
Naisao sam danas na jedno zanimljivo pitanje, kod novijih automobila, da li promena akumulatora moze da utice na gubitak memorije u autu i oko kompjutera.

Naime, ono sta sam nasao ovde kaze:

Problems That May Occur If You Disconnect Your Car battery
What happens when the battery is disconnected? It depends on the year, make and model of your vehicle, but any of the following may happen:
  • Loss of learned values in the PCM's Keep Alive adaptive memory. This may cause the engine to run poorly because the air/fuel mixture is too rich or too lean for a period of time until the PCM can relearn the fuel trim adjustments. This may take up to several days and 50 to 100 miles of driving until engine operation returns to "normal."
  • Erasing the PCM's adaptive memory may also affect the way the transmission shifts and feels. The transmission may not feel the same until the PCM or transmission control module relearns the shift adjustments. This may take 50 to 75 miles of driving.
  • It resets the FMEM (Failure Mode Effects Management) module on certain late model Ford vehicles. This module provides an adaptive fail-safe strategy that substitutes estimated or fixed data for missing sensor data. Normally, this should not cause a problem UNLESS the vehicle has a bad sensor and has been substituting data from the FMEM module for a missing input.
  • It resets the ABS (Antilock Brake System) and SIR (Supplemental Inflation Restraint) or airbag modules. This should not be a problem UNLESS one of these modules requires a special relearn or reprogramming procedure after power has been lost. In that case, the affected module may prevent the ABS or airbag systems from working.
  • It resets the Climate Control module. On some vehicles, the module will not start working again until a special relearn procedure or reprogram procedure is performed with a factory scan tool. That means no A/C until the module is programmed with the correct instructions.
  • It resets the Body Control Module (BCM). Like the Climate Control module, the BCM may not resume normal operation until it has undergone a special relearn procedure or is reprogrammed with a factory scan tool. This can mess up the operation of power accessories such as power windows, memory seats, power sunroof, or electronic suspension settings. Worse yet, the BCM is the "gate keeper" module on many 2003 and newer vehicles that have a CAN (Controller Area Network) system. If the BCM cannot communicate properly with all of the other modules, or it does not recognize the addresses of other modules, it can cause all kinds of problems.
  • It may reset or disable the anti-theft system. The engine may crank but not start because the anti-theft system thinks somebody is trying to steal the vehicle. Again, it may require a special relearn procedure or reprogramming the anti-theft system with a factory scan tool to resolve the problem.
  • Loss of power window and/or power sunroof position settings. Unless power is maintained to the vehicle's electrical system during battery replacement, the power windows and/or sunroof may not work properly until the position values have been reset using the vehicle manufacturer's relearn procedure.
  • Loss of steering angle sensor settings. The steering angle sensor will have to undergo a relearn procedure following battery disconnect or replacement.
  • Replacing the battery on some vehicles requires entering the new battery info into the PCM with a scan tool (type of battery, battery serial number and CCA rating). This is necessary because the vehicle's charging system is programmed to gradually increase the charging rate as the battery ages. If the charging rate is not reset back to that for a new battery, the battery may overcharge and fail - or vent toxic hydrogen sulfide gas into the passenger compartment if the battery is located inside the vehicle.
  • It causes a loss of channel settings on an electronic radio and clock. This is more of an annoyance than a problem, and can be fixed by resetting the radio channels and the time.

Znam iz druge ruke da ako me sjećanje ne vara kod nove Mazde 6 bez servisa(ili malo snalažljivosti) nema zamjene akumulatora u kućnoj radinosti. Čim ti odvojiš kleme od akumulatora neki đavo se zblesira i auto je spreman da se odšlepa do lokalnog servisa,di te oni oderu ko zeca.
Znači riješenje je imati neki izvor od 12V spojen konstantno na kleme akumulatora pri njegovoj zamjeni. Kod moje Mazde 3 kada je crko akumulator zamijenio sam ga novim i elektronika poput podizača stakala,podešavanje retrovizora se totalno zblesiralo, ništa nije radilo kako spada, zbog čega ne znam ali nakon koji dan se sve vratilo u normalu.
Khadgar2007 samo si tebao kalibraciju prozora odraditi, drzis tastere nakon sto se podigne i spusti...
Uticnica upaljaca je stalno pod naponom, neki SLA 12V nekoliko Ah i jedan utikac dok se mijenja akumulator rijese problem. Sve sto treba stalno biti pod naponom bude za vrijeme zamjene akumulatora. Samo plus klemu treba paziti da ne dodje do mase.-
Na nekim modelima koliko znam posle gasenja motora 10-15 min prekida dovod struje na uticnici upaljaca, ako se zaboravi neki potrosac isto kao za radio.
Problemi poput elektro podizaca i sl. iskreno ne smatram velikim, tj. one koji zahtevaju malo kalibracije. Vise me zanimalo da li bi moglo da dodje do nekih ozbiljnijih problema?
Sa moje tacke gledista ovo bi moglo da se posmatra kao "fault/glitch side channel attack" tj probao bi sledece scenarije:

- U toku neke "zahtevne" procedure iz vise koraka, vezane za neko podesanje putem interfejsa na tabli (ili vec gde), izvaditi akumulator i pratiti desavanja. Meta je softwerski bug i zahteva mnogo ponavljanja Smile

- Popisati sve interfejse, cipove i sl i onda napraviti presek onih sa eeprom i niskim pragom tolerancije na takve promene pa testirati njih izolovano. Meta je hardwerski bug i verovatno zahteva manje ponavljanja, ali mora se raditi sa mnogo razlicitih modela. (Ovde verovatno ima i bolji ideja, molim strucnije da me dopune).

Uglavnom nista bez mnogo sati testiranja Smile
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” - Dalai Lama XIV
Ovde bi se lako snasli Big Grin

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“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” - Dalai Lama XIV
Cartapping: How Feds Have Spied On Connected Cars For 15 Years:
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” - Dalai Lama XIV

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