05-04-2017, 08:37 PM
Ovde su neki detalji koji su navedeni u prezentaciji:
Kits using ARM Cortex-M3 processor (STM32F103C8), and includes a 2.4-inch color TFT display can be used as ARM test development board.
Circuit is simple and the kit is inexpensive
Characteristics of indicators:
Supply voltage: DC 9V
Maximum real-time sampling rate: 1Msps
Accuracy: 12Bit
Sampling buffer depth: 1024 bytes
Analog bandwidth: 0 - 200KHz
Vertical Sensitivity: 5mV / Div - 20V / Div
Adjustable vertical displacement, and with instructions
Input impedance: 1MΩ
Maximum input voltage: 50Vpp (1: 1 probe), 400Vpp (10: 1 probe)
Coupling modes: DC / AC / GND
The horizontal time base range: 10μs / Div - 50s / Div (1-2-5 progressive manner)
With automatic, regular and one-shot mode, easy to capture the moment waveform
Available rising or falling edge trigger
Adjustable trigger level position, and with instructions
Observable previous trigger waveform (negative delay)
Can freeze at any time waveform display (HOLD function)
Comes 1Hz /3.3V square wave test signal source
Testirao sam ga na SMPS adapteru od 9V. Na pločici postoji i priključak za baterijsko napajanje, ali u samom kućištu nema prostora za samu bateriju.
Do sada sam stekao utisak da se može u potpunosti koristiti kao zamena za običan osciloskop za neka osnovna očitavanja.
Probaću ovih dana da ga malo namučim.
Kits using ARM Cortex-M3 processor (STM32F103C8), and includes a 2.4-inch color TFT display can be used as ARM test development board.
Circuit is simple and the kit is inexpensive
Characteristics of indicators:
Supply voltage: DC 9V
Maximum real-time sampling rate: 1Msps
Accuracy: 12Bit
Sampling buffer depth: 1024 bytes
Analog bandwidth: 0 - 200KHz
Vertical Sensitivity: 5mV / Div - 20V / Div
Adjustable vertical displacement, and with instructions
Input impedance: 1MΩ
Maximum input voltage: 50Vpp (1: 1 probe), 400Vpp (10: 1 probe)
Coupling modes: DC / AC / GND
The horizontal time base range: 10μs / Div - 50s / Div (1-2-5 progressive manner)
With automatic, regular and one-shot mode, easy to capture the moment waveform
Available rising or falling edge trigger
Adjustable trigger level position, and with instructions
Observable previous trigger waveform (negative delay)
Can freeze at any time waveform display (HOLD function)
Comes 1Hz /3.3V square wave test signal source
Testirao sam ga na SMPS adapteru od 9V. Na pločici postoji i priključak za baterijsko napajanje, ali u samom kućištu nema prostora za samu bateriju.
Do sada sam stekao utisak da se može u potpunosti koristiti kao zamena za običan osciloskop za neka osnovna očitavanja.
Probaću ovih dana da ga malo namučim.
Face up...make your stand and realise you're living in the golden years!