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SubGhz low power transceiver-i (nodovi)
Pogledaj jos jednom SiLabs, ocigledno je buducnost u BLE (Bluetooth low energy)
Tu je primer njihovog bezicnog senzora za telemetriju temperature i vlaznosti, kazu radi sa dugmastom baterijom preko godinu dana. Koristis BT stack, to ce u buducnosti biti kompatibilno sa svime i svacim, lakse za umrezavanje.

Quote:Bluetooth Low Energy Fundamentals:
  • Ultra-low power: can run more than a year on a coin cell battery

  • Flexible: connects to most consumer mobile devices like smart phones, tablets, and PCs

  • Supported by major platforms: iOS, Android™ 4.3, Windows® 8, OSX®, and Linux®

  • Reliable and Robust: AFH, retransmissions and 24-bit CRCs

  • Secure: paring, privacy, MITM protection, and AES-128

Quote:The BLE113 is a Bluetooth® Smart module targeted for small and low-power sensors and accessories. It integrates all features required for a Bluetooth Smart application, including Bluetooth radio, software stack, and GATT-based profiles. The BLE113 Bluetooth Smart module can also host end-user applications, which means no external microcontroller is required in size or price constrained devices. Moreover, it has flexible hardware interfaces to connect to different peripherals and sensors and can be powered directly from a standard 3 V coin cell battery or a pair of AAA batteries.
In the lowest power sleep mode it merely consumes 500 nA and will wake up within a few hundred microseconds.

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RE: SubGhz low power transceiver-i (nodovi) - by mikikg - 09-10-2016, 06:54 AM

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