01-24-2025, 10:22 AM
Miki, postoji razlika između napajanja mernog LNA i RIAA predpojačavača u tome što se ovaj prvi u principu napaja iz baterija (u mom slučaju - iz LiPo akumulatora), a RIAA sklop zbog znatno veće potrošnje i dužine korišćenja - iz ispravljača.
Napred prikazanu šemu sam izdvojio zbog elegantno rešenog problema PSRR, da citiram autora:
"Therefore, the design should provide some decent PSRR. This is surprisingly easy to achieve by using a simple RC cell R12/C412. By referring both opamp inputs (in AC) to the positive power supply rail, the power supply noise is now appearing on the opamp common mode, being therefore rejected through the opamp CMRR. The overall head amp PSRR is down to better than -50dB."
Napred prikazanu šemu sam izdvojio zbog elegantno rešenog problema PSRR, da citiram autora:
"Therefore, the design should provide some decent PSRR. This is surprisingly easy to achieve by using a simple RC cell R12/C412. By referring both opamp inputs (in AC) to the positive power supply rail, the power supply noise is now appearing on the opamp common mode, being therefore rejected through the opamp CMRR. The overall head amp PSRR is down to better than -50dB."